
Sunday, February 27, 2011

Getting Back to Climbing, Week 6

Oh Blah.
I only made it into the rock climbing gym one day this week; Wednesday.
And, no, I also did not work out on the hang board at home.  I did not even Look at it.
The Kid's sitter at the gym couldn't make it on Friday, and that gave me an excuse not to go in a second day this week.
Oh Blah.  That is all I can say.  Even at the gym on Wednesday night, I felt Blah.  I stood there yawning between burns despite Kid Rock screaming through my iPod.  As far as my climbing... well, I am stronger than I was six months ago!  I have never been a strong boulderer, but it is that power that I have always needed to train.  It feels like I am in one of those times when one's climbing is in a holding pattern.  You know, you climb and then you just plateau for a bit, and then suddenly something magical happens and you climb harder.  The optimistic side of me says that I am on a plateau and soon I will be stronger.

All of that aside, going back to the climbing gym has been one of the very best things that I have done for our family.  I know that it has made me a better mom and wife, and engaging in something that I had before I was a mom, makes me a better 'me'.  Talking to people about something other than the Kid, or being a mom, is so freaking fabulous.  It is a reminder that I am still a real person, I am not just this person who is responsible for the care, education, and well-being of a child... I am also responsible for my own well-being.

John and I met at the rock climbing gym, and we have spent countless hours there training and hanging out with our friends.  Watching him climb and giving him sh*t when he blows a move is energizing for us.  Something that we took for granted, is now cherished during those four hours a week at the gym.

When we go to the gym, this wonderful girl comes in to watch the Kid.  She dates one of our friends and also works at the gym, in addition to going to school.  I can't thank her enough for her time with our son.  My heart is just ready to burst when I scan the gym to locate the Kid, and find him with a wrench in hand trying to put up holds.  There are days when he will sit and watch the route setter (who is actually partially responsible for John and me being together, but that is another story), and other days when the Kid is on the move for two solid hours.  It is the perfect situation for us as a family; John and I climb, and the Kid can check in with us whenever he needs to.  Some days he checks in a bunch, and other days I have to go find him... usually hanging out in the office with our friends.  I love it that he has the opportunity to spend time with adults (like early 20's) who aren't parents.

I guess the point is, that maybe it doesn't matter how strong I am right now.  What I am getting out of climbing is so much greater than sending the 'blue problem' in the boulder cave.

Oh, and one last comment.... when I said that I give John sh*t when he blows a move, well, that happens like once a month.    My husband is a really badass climber.

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